We will be writing up an in-depth post on cults and abusive relationships in the future, as they give us an amazing insight as to why people struggle to leave a cult, especially the further into the group they go. For now, here are some great blog posts to read.
What Awful Marriages & Cults Have in Common
People often wonder why abused men or women stay in terrible relationships. It seems like a completely absurd notion. Yet, it happens every day.
The fact is that abusive relationships have a lot in common with cults. In both, victims feel completely demoralized, injured and trapped. Follow along; you’ll see that cult behavior can shed light on why abuse victims feel stuck and desperately unhappy.
Both domestic abuse and cult brainwashing involve the loss of a person’s sense of power. You are trapped and afraid to leave, lest something awful will happen to you.
Read more HERE>> https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/the-intelligent-divorce/201305/what-awful-marriages-cults-have-in-common