Yipppeee….. we managed to do the interview this weekend!
Listen below as I interview Kathy Raine about her time in Harry Palmer’s Elmira Scientology Mission back in the early to mid 80s.
In this interview we discuss:
– How Kathy got into Scientology
– What it was like being part of Harry Palmer’s Elmira Scientology Mission
– Harry and Avra’s business practices
– The huge debt she got into ($60,000)
– How her life got worse and worse throughout her involvement
– How the Mission collapsed and Avatar took its place
– Her process in leaving and “deprogramming” from cult life.
I hope you find it insightful!
Best, Amanda
This website is amazing!…I am an ex-wife of a man who joined Avatar in 2002 in CA and still is in the program in Asheville, North Carolina. I saw it as a cult right off the bat from the harassment he received when he tried to cancel a course and because they took away his notes and books from his second class because “the material was so POWERFUL, it had to be kept safe in the hands of Avatar teachers”…so he couldn’t take them home!!…my Ex husband wanted us to go up the Avatar ladder of fame and fortune and I very quickly divorced him a year later…,
It is fascinating that these followers never research Harry Palmer’s past history with Scientology!…thank you for trying to help those people who were damaged by this horrible cult…good luck in taking them down!…