Letter to Kathy Thorngren, trainer and a lost friend
January 6, 2025
Dear Kathy,
It has been an era, 25 years it seems when we first really began to know one another. We were good friends, at least that is what I thought, apparently you saw it differently. You made a choice long ago and I didn’t recognize it, trainer first which means your only allegiance is to H and A and the rest of us, not so much. If we go, we no longer exist to you…this is Scientology, to disregard the “subversives”.
Then when Beth W. told me you called her and ask her to call me about my resignation letter instead of calling me yourself I shouldn’t have been baffled, however, I was. Why didn’t you call and listen to my viewpoint? Did you even read the letter I sent to you? Most likely you did, with judgement from your mind and a total lack of feeling me. As someone who is looked to for her feel it’s, it is odd and I guess predictable, for you to turn them off to stay in line with the “mission”. You even let yourself vote for the most hateful two people I have experienced in my lifetime, was that really your thought out conclusion? To vote for two white men who hate women, gay and trans people, people of color, immigrants, in short, anything that’s not a white Christian cis gendered man.
It seems you are harkening back to your Cuban anti communist roots, denying your own immigrant family who came here to escape oppression. Maybe you were always like that, I just assumed something different. What a mistake in judgement I made.
I have spent some time talking with Tim. First off I want to say how wrong I was to assume he freely offered the money. I also want to say I was wrong to not stand up and say the whole situation was wrong. I was wrong to take advantage of it myself to “get people in.” It is even worse for me as I now understand he was being extorted by you, telling him he had transgressions and he had to make amends by paying for courses, buying tickets and for not just students but AI’s and others who “couldn’t afford” them. OMG Kathy, if someone is in service to SE and they can’t afford that service it’s SE who should be paying for their airfare, not Tim, not an AI who is already paying to be there and working there asses off for free. Why did you constantly protect SE and none of us? Perhaps the answer is obvious, not to me. That is beyond my understanding, I am sure you don’t see it. You also extorted from Tim, with the approval of Avra, until it blew up, more than a million dollars for masters and wizards courses. He got back a few hundred thousand, why is that? What actually started as something given from the heart , occasionally, became an abuse of power. If you ever care to go back and look, you will see with H he has been taking money that did not belong to him since the early days of the “Creative Learning Center” the Scientology center in Elmira. I know you don’t want to know, I am telling you anyway.
H also took money from those who gave themselves in service to what we imagined an EPC to be. It turns out that your and H and A EPC is one of hate and destruction of others you think deserve it…my life, my marriage, democracy itself, it is unthinkable to me. What is wrong with this picture? Can you tell me?
So it is. We were never really friends in your mind. Avra did tell us, “these are not your friends” and I choose not to hear her. I should have listened to the deeper message, “No one really matters to us unless you give us what we want. When you leave you are dead to us.” Oh yes, a perfect example of “ending the right/wrong game”, don’t you think?
I am done, I have seen the wizard(s) behind the curtain and I will not represent that. If you ever want to actually hear another perspective other than SE, I am here and willing to share my understanding.
I hold you in my heart…you know that, at least I trust you do.
Always, devkirn