As with all cults, what starts of as one thing, subtly turns into something else. Avatar is no different!
Here is a true story of one Avatar Master’s Avatar Path, from simply taking the Avatar Course, to becoming an AI and a fully committed member of the Group.
It is a real eye opener and shows how the beliefs and doctrine we take on changes over time. It also shows the huge exploitation which takes place the further into this cult you get.
Introduction: at the very beginning, my master introduced me to Releasing Fixed Attention. It was so simple and effective for me, as I had lots of worry around passing a college exam. So I immediately liked the tools.
The Avatar Course: I learnt that ‘everything was my creation’. I came back from the course thinking I was God, and people around me worried and bought me bibles to remind me there is a God (this was extreme). I was walking around feeling elated that I had found the real answer: that I create it ALL.
The Masters Course: I learnt that Avatar is the speediest modality to reach enlightenment. This was the ONLY way! I started feeling ever BETTER than my peers who had not done the course, even pitying them for not having these tools that I now have. This is when I quit relying on family for support, and replaced it with Stars Edge, QM’s and Trainers for life advice. I still loved my family, but lived a double life with them. I thought I knew everything, and they no longer had anything to teach me.
Internships: I learned that you have to constantly ‘have your attention out’ on others. I would wake up and start working at 7am and be done by 10 pm. If I ever got tired or irritable, it is because I was in resistance and needed to ‘up my appreciation’ for other people. Again, ‘this is my creation’. I can no longer just be tired and want to go to bed, I was now ‘in resistance’. This is also where I saw the love bombing you got for bringing students. I saw the Trainers elated over the people who brought in students. “I WANTED THAT!!!!’
The Integrity Course: I learnt ‘if there is something that you don’t like about someone, it is something that you are resisting in yourself.’ I can no longer just not like someone, there must be some underlying reason why. I got very f@cked in my head with this, as I was trying to love everyone no matter what. I developed a fake persona. I started to lose grasp on who I was as a person, as I was only supposed to have my ‘attention out on others awakening’.
The Professional Course: the most important thing on this planet is creating students, period! And I have to be totally comfortable with people with no resistance to create students. (insert anxiety lol) We have the answer for what the world needs.
The Wizard Course: I have secrets. I am a bad person. I need to constantly work on myself. Everything that I don’t deliberately place there in my space is an entity that needs to be handled. If I am ever feeling critical, mad at, angry, or upset towards someone, no matter what they did, it is because I have secret towards them . The days of just being upset at someone are OVER. If I am upset with them, I have to write up a secret. It keeps me monitoring myself 24/7.
Junior Advanced Intern: We are told “YOU are the foundation of the Avatar Course.” Translation: you are paying $$$ for the course. We were demanded to come to every course if we were JrAI’s. There were tons of us that paid intern fees and filled the hotel room block.
AI (Advanced Intern): We are a secret society, really. We had special training from 6:30am-8:30am with Avra. This was treated like The Last Supper with Jesus! We were mesmerized that we “had” this time with Avra.
In these meeting, people were ridiculed and publicly shamed EVERYDAY. People were called out publicly, and on multiple times, I would be weeping while Avra unleashed on me in front of all the AI’s.
We were pushed to create numbers for the course. The Trainer would have conference calls with us while we were home, and we would have to share how our ‘production’ is going. There is the most intense pressure to create numbers. This is ALL we worked on with Avra!
There is no longer a life that we live outside of creating students. Now as AI’s, we are trained that ‘there is nothing that creating a student won’t handle’. It will make us happy, pay our bills, and fulfil us’.
Subtly emails and text messages begun to be handed in to Avra for feedback and alignment. Regular write ups of confessionals are required and handed in to Trainers and Avra. There is now no private life outside of Avatar. Everything has to be aligned (i.e. controlled by Avra).
At this stage it was required of us to use the Entity Handling Procedure EVERY SINGLE EVENING.
Exploitation of Labour: Fulfilling the hotel room block is of UPMOST importance for the Trainers and QM’s.
The last Master/Integrity Course I was on, there was huge pressure for the AI’s to make calls and bring more Masters and even Integrity students to the course. I thought this was because we were ‘loving precious humanity.’
The Trainer then admitted to us that it was because we needed to fill the hotel room block, or the QM’s or Stars Edge would have to foot the bill for QM and Trainers hotel rooms.
So us fulfilling the room block kept QM and Trainers from having to pay for their room. Again, we were going into debt to awaken the planet, and we were paying for it!