Days 19 to 21 #222days: How We Assessed Avatar as a Cult? (video)
Finally I've managed to make a video! 🙂 Wooo..... hooooo..... In this video I give a brief update of our #222days and an overview of the models of assessment we have used in analysing Avatar (the Avatar Course) as being a destructive cult. Thanks for your...
Day 17 to 18 #222days: The Bite Model and Avatar
As you may be aware, on the Avatar Uncovered website there is a section called: 'Assessment'. In this section, you will find our analysis of Avatar based on various "models of assessment". One of the assessments is called The Bite Model, by world renowned cult expert...
Day 15 to 16 #222days: Our 1st AU Express
Firstly, apologise for missing day 15! Our 1st newsletter took me wayyyyyyy longer than I expected and certainly ate my time up. But I'm pleased to say its now done and finalised. It feels great to have sent the first one! 🙂 If you have signed up for our...
Day 14 of #222days: How to Talk Effectively with a Cult Member.
As you know, at Avatar Uncovered, we also provide loved ones, family and friends with the education and support they need to deal with someone they care about who has been pulled into Avatar. If the situation is out of our depth, then we make referrals to cult...
Day 13 of #222days: Attention Exercises in Avatar and Locationals in Scientology. How are they similar?
As you probably know, Avatar have claimed over the years that there is no connection or influence from Scientology regarding their "tools", teachings or inner workings. However, for those of us who have done our research, this clearly is a big fat lie! Avatar was...
Day 12 of #222days: The Media and Avatar. Why Are They So Reluctant to Report?
Many times people ask me, why has Avatar not had more media attention? Or, we need more Press coverage! So, here is what I have found to date. Over the past few months, we have been working to get media exposure, specifically in Australia and New Zealand at this...
Day 11 of #222days: Letters to Stars Edge. Still No Response!
If you have managed to read through the whole of the Avatar Uncovered website (and I know there is heaps of stuff), I'm sure you would have by now come across the letters I sent to Stars Edge, Harry and Avra regarding their practices back as far as January 2018. If...
Day 6 to 10 of #222days: How Has It Been? A Recap.
Firstly, I apologise for missing a few days of our #222days to the Wizard Course campaign. I moved interstate, lost wifi for a few days and ended up with a huge backlog. Not just our #222days, but the work I do for a living. So, this is why today I've rolled the...
Day 5 of #222days: What is a Cult? Best Video So Far!
If you don’t know yet, you will know that I’m not just dedicated in sharing the manipulative and corrupt practices of Avatar and Stars Edge, but am VERY passionate about sharing ‘cult tactics’ and how ‘cults looks and operate’. This is for a variety of reasons. It...
Day 4 of #222days: Years of Devotion End Painfully. An Elmira News Report, 1988
We have an interview coming up this week with Kathy Raines from Harry Palmer’s ex Scientology Elmira Mission. In preparation, Im sharing the original paper clips of the 5 day news coverage which was published in the Star Gazette back in February, 1988. I have shared...